Friday, January 19, 2007

Gregorian Chants - The Best of the Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's

1. Sancte Dei

2. Salve Sanctus Parens

3. In Paradisum Angeli

4. Sanctus & Benedictus

5. Conditor Alme

6. Organ Voluntary

7. Te Lucis Ante Terminum

8. Christus Natus Christos

9. Kyrie Christe Eleison

10. Organ Voluntary

11. Gloria

12. Puer Natus Est

13. Sanctus & Benedictus, II

14. Beata Dei

15. Veni Sancte Spiritus

16. Organ Voluntary

17. In Paradisum Angeli, Reprise

18. Dominus Exsultemus


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